Description (2 pts)
A few sentences describing what you were asked to design and the goal of the lab. Assume the reader does not have access to the course website.
Methods (3 pts)
In your own words, describe the process you went through to design and complete the lab. Include enough detail so the reader could reproduce the experiment. Include truth tables.
Results (5 pts)
Hardware Design (3 pts)
Have a separate subsection for the top level and each component of your design, including a diagram and brief description.
Top Level
(block diagram picture)
If possible, use a CAD program (e.g. to construct a block diagram of the top level (Neatly hand drawn diagrams are acceptable). Describe the control flow.
Component 1
Describes the inputs and outputs, along with the functionality of this component. Include applicable equations (must be typed).
Component 2
Describes the inputs and outputs, along with the functionality of this component. Include applicable equations (must be typed).
Testing (2 pts)
How did you test your design to ensure it worked properly? Were there any corner conditions? Explain the test bench waveform(s).
Discussion (4 pts)
Lab Questions (2 pts)
Explicitly answer each question listed in the assignment.
Conclusion (2 pts)
What did you learn from the lab? Did you have any difficulties? If you could do this lab again, what would you do differently? Are there components you would optimize?
Appendix (3 pts)
Include PDF printouts of each schematic (do not include screen shots). Label each diagram on the schematic. Use a title block if possible.
Test Bench Waveforms
Include PDF printouts for each test bench. Make sure test benches include signal labels. Bring attention to areas / signals of interest. Label each waveform.
Notebook Pages
Use a scanner or photo-to-scan software to copy your notebook pages (do not include photographs). Make sure these images are not too big. Notebook pages are scratch work and not graded. Do not reference notebook pages in the main portion of the report.
Style (3 pts)
View lab reports as professional documentation. You are presenting a design proposal (the lab assignment) to a customer (the professor / TA’s). If your lab reports are well written, you can include them in a work portfolio, demonstrating your proficiency in design and documentation.
All writing should be your own words entirely (unless properly cited).
Images taken from other sources (e.g. the class website, datasheets) must be cited. Permission must be granted before images can be used from outside websites (no permission required for course website images).
Writing Style
Get to the point. Try to convey an idea using the fewest words. Minimize first person pronouns.
Use heading styles in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Better yet, use LaTex. You can even use html. Use the exact heading labels as listed above.
In general, images should always be taken from exported PDFs (not screenshots). If you would like to crop the image, import the PDF into an image editing software, crop the image, export as a jpeg at max 300 DPI. All annotative text should be readable.
If you have to take a screenshot of a schematic, turn the grid off. Crop additional whitespace before adding to your report. Cropping images prior to insertion into a word processor keeps the overall file size reduced.
Using a CAD program for block and state diagrams is preferred (e.g., but neatly hand-drawn and scanned diagrams are acceptable. Graph paper is encouraged for hand-drawn diagrams.
Images taken from other sources must be cited.
Use a professional looking font, size 10 or 12. Writing should be single-spaced. Use a monospace font (e.g. courier) for any code. Equations can be neatly hand written and scanned, or typed using a monospace font or equation editor. Tables should be typed or very neatly hand drawn and scanned (not photographed!).